Magic Box

A new interactive solution for kindergartens. Turn the floor into an enchanting interactive world with this floor projector.

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New product

Let us intro­duce our nov­elty suit­able for kinder­garten play­rooms. Chil­dren will learn by play how to use mod­ern tech­nolo­gies. As if wav­ing a magic wand, MAGIC BOX will turn the kinder­garten floor into an enchant­ing inter­ac­tive world for young preschool­ers with a work sur­face of 200 x 125 cm! The mobile box called MAGIC BOXcon­tains an inter­ac­tive pro­ject­ing device, a small but high- performance com­puter with Wi-Fi and sound! On top of all that, you will receive a great pro­jec­tion surface!

Plug and play

It is a sim­ple mobile pro­jec­tion device with no need for instal­la­tion. Just plug in the game set, switch it on and you can start pro­ject­ing on the soft pro­jec­tion pad. You can project any­thing that is usu­ally pro­jected on a pro­jec­tion screen or board. As our pro­jec­tions for chil­dren take place in their most nat­ural play­ing envi­ron­ment, that is on the floor, even expe­ri­enced kinder­garten teach­ers state that this is the best form of pro­jec­tion for the youngest chil­dren! The com­puter is con­trolled by a sim­ple elec­tronic pen or by a keyboard.

Interesting content for kids

Due to MAGIC BOX even very young chil­dren can par­tic­i­pate in SW games, colour­ing pic­tures, puz­zles or other edu­ca­tional activ­i­ties while stand­ing, kneel­ing or lay­ing directly on the pro­jec­tion sur­face. The pro­jec­tion sur­face is very com­fort­able and pleas­ant for chil­dren. More­over, the entire pro­jec­tion sur­face can serve as a puz­zle, which the chil­dren can try to put together before you start using it…

In Octo­ber 2013, MAGIC BOX was awarded the most pres­ti­gious award, 1st place GRAND PRIX at the exhi­bi­tion FOR TOYS at the Prague exhi­bi­tion grounds PVA.